Pre-orders are now open for my new book: BIRDS
It’s published by Unbound (who did a great job with my last book) and contains 80 of my paintings of the most popular British birds. Each spread will feature a single bird paired with a single diverting fact*.
It’s small enough to fit in a coat pocket but nice enough to leave on your coffee table (its printed on very good paper like last time).
Pre-ordering through Unbound also means you can get exclusive bird-related merchandise including postcards, mugs, prints and t-shirts.
*e.g. Feeding white bread to a mallard can cause a potentially fatal condition called ‘Angel Wing’.
The lapwing has more nicknames than any other British bird, including flopwing, horneywink, lipwingle, lymptwigg, peesieweep and wallock.
Until the 19th century, people assumed house martins and swallows hibernated in the mud at the bottom.